· 2 min read

How To Bridge and Add Liquidity qAssets from Quicksilver to Osmosis

This video will explain how to bridge and add liquidity qAssets.

This video will explain how to bridge and add liquidity qAssets.

In this tutorial video that I have created, I will guide you through the process of bridging qAssets from Quicksilver to Osmosis, adding liquidity to the qSTARS:STARS pool, and bonding liquidity to receive QCK incentives.

To begin, you will need to search for Quicksilver and Osmosis and connect your wallet using Keplr Wallet. Once connected, select the qAssets you wish to bridge and specify the amount you want to bridge. Then, confirm the destination address and press the transfer button.

After the transaction fee shows up, press the Confirm button to successfully send the transaction to your Osmosis account. Check your Assets to ensure that your qAssets have been received in your wallet.

Next, swap some token to STARS, ensuring that you have enough OSMO to pay the gas fee, and wait until the transaction is successfully completed. Then, go to Pools and search for the qSTARS pool.

Click on the pool and press the Add Liquidity button. Put in your qSTARS amount or press the balances to ensure that your STARS is enough to add liquidity. Approve the transaction, and once the liquidity is added to the qSTARS:STARS pool, bond your liquidity to receive QCK incentives.

Remember that the unbonding period is 14 days, and you will receive 55.18% APR. Finally, put the amount you want to bond liquidity and approve the transaction.

In summary, this tutorial video that I have created provides a clear and concise guide for bridging qAssets from Quicksilver to Osmosis, adding liquidity to the qSTARS:STARS pool, and bonding liquidity to receive QCK incentives. I provide step-by-step instructions and helpful tips along the way to ensure that you can successfully complete the process.

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